
First Blog Post / Tutorial in the Works

Hey, y'all! This is the start of the blog that I'm gonna try and keep running on here, but no guarantees it'll be consistent in terms of a post schedule because, you know, school. Right now, I'm working on editing together a little tutorial on a cute, aesthetic edit I just made and I'm gonna try and get it up by Monday, but don't quote me on it. I will say, it's nothing too extravagant, but I still think the finished product turned out really good regardless. Right now it's currently at 15 minutes long, but we'll see when I'm done editing how short I can get it down to. Right now I'm aiming for 3-5 minutes with a maximum of 10 just so it's not too long. I hope you guys will like it and find it helpful, though. I'll post a little sneak peak of the finished edit below, as well as on my past work page for you guys to check out. Other than that, I should probably get back to work on that tutorial. See you next time!

~ Nikki

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