
thoughts about quarantine & self-isolation

Hey everyone! I wanna start off by saying that I hope everyone is safe and healthy. This is something really weird to go through, especially as a teenager, but it’s definitely teaching me a lot of responsibility and accountability. I will be the first to admit that I tend to procrastinate sometimes when it comes to school work, especially when it’s something to be done at home, and this break is really helping me become better with getting what I need to get done done. It’s also serving as a good break away from the craziness of daily life, and time to sit back and have some time for self care and making sure my mental health is in check. Do I miss hanging out with my friends all the time? Absolutely. But at least we still have facetime and texting to keep us in touch. I guess what I’m trying to say is while this time may be very lonely and boring, it’s super important to look at this as a positive rather than a negative, and find ways to make this time of self-isolation productive and beneficial so we’re prepared for when it’s over. Stay safe and, please, stay home. It may be hard but it’ll only help you and everyone of us out in the end. Take care <3.

~ nikki

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