
update: new designs and upcoming photos

hello everyone. i know it's been a while since i've last been on here. last school year was a little crazy and so i wasn't really focused on this website since i had so much else to worry about. that doesn't mean i haven't been making stuff, though. last year, i took my first graphic design class and came out with a couple designs that i actually feel comfortable enough to display on this website, so i added those under the "past work" as well as the "designs" tabs. they're nothing too special, one because i'm still a beginner and two because they were for school so they aimed to focus on specific skills/areas, but i still think they look pretty nice. additionally, this year, i'm taking my first photography class, so i added a new "photos" tab under the "past work" page. there's nothing there right now, but i plan to add 1 or 2 of the photos i've taken so far and continue to add more of the ones i take in the future as i take them. don't expect anything too professional, i'm still just a beginner and these are for school at the end of the day. another thing i've done since i've last updated here; i made an instagram account for my work! the user is just @nikkisdesignco and it's pretty barebones at the moment (literally just the profile picture and a simple bio), but i do plan to add to and update it soon. feel free to follow it if you wish. this is also what i've been using to watermark my new work now since i find that it'll be easier and it also looks a lot cleaner compared to my old watermark. that's really all i have to update on in terms of this site and my actual work, but i did want to add in this little side note: there have been some updates going on regarding me and destiny's podcast, so we do plan on continuing it, just with a different topic area and a new name, a rebranding, if you will. in terms of new episodes, i can't give an answer to that right now because we've been wanting to record forever but can just never find a good time to do so. i'll try to provide updates as they come, however, since i want this website to be more focused on me and, more specifically, my work, i would recommend checking out the podcast's instagram (@getafckinghobbypod) and twitter (@getafckinghobby) for more accurate updates moving forward. alright, those are pretty much all the updates i have for now. i'm going to try and get some stuff on the "photos" page and keep you guys updated on anything else that happens in the meantime. thanks for reading and remember to be safe, be healthy, and take care of yourself. i love you all.


~ nikki <3

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